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Do You Have One of These Common Shoulder Injuries?

Common Injuries of the Shoulder

In the mountain communities where we practice, dislocations of the shoulder are a fairly common injury from snowboarding, skiing and mountain biking. Proper treatment is essential to regaining your range of motion, which is why our doctors specialize in such injuries as well as other common conditions like rotator cuff injuries. Treatment has advanced significantly and our doctors can provide the latest procedures and plans to help you have a successful recovery.

The Biomechanics of Shoulder Injuries

The biomechanics of the shoulder is complex, requiring a total of four joints that connect the arms and shoulders to the chest and allow for a full range of motion from lifting to putting the hands in precise positions. Only when this range of motion is compromised, do most people appreciate the sophisticated design of the shoulder’s anatomy.

Shoulder Dislocation Injuries

Shoulder dislocation injuries are common in any sport such as skiing, snowboarding, and mountain biking, where there is a risk of falling on the shoulder. Shoulders can dislocate in several directions: posterior, anterior and inferior. Putting the shoulder back into proper position should not be attempted by anyone without the proper medical training; in some cases, surgery may be required.

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Damage to the shoulder’s rotator cuff can be caused by traumatic injury, or by repetitive overhead activity (weightlifting, tennis). The rotator cuff is formed by four tendons that attach to the muscles that keep the shoulder stabilized and in its socket. When the rotator cuff is damaged, the shoulder is weak and movement is painful; it may be difficult or impossible to raise overhead. Should non-operative treatments fail, surgical interventions include debridement and artificial shoulder replacement.

Shoulder Impingement Injuries

Shoulder impingement injuries can be described by any number of symptoms, from generalized aches in the shoulder, to pain and difficulty when raising the arm out to the side, or in front of the body. The impingement can be coming from inflamed tendons (tendonitis) or inflamed bursae (bursitis). Bone spurs can also complicate the impingement. Careful diagnosis is needed to determine the cause of the impingement and the most effective treatment.


Meet Our Shoulder Surgeons

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